DVD/CD Manufacturing not slowing down

DVD/CD Manufaturing not slowing down.

Disc Makers, US independent CD and DVD manufacturer, has announced that last month it broke two of its all-time disc replication records, proving that physical media is a crucial part of any musician’s product offerings and the CD is not yet dead. In October, Disc Makers replicated 4,380,296 CDs, an increase of over 600,000 units from October, 2011. This figure outpaces Disc Makers’ prior all-time monthly CD & DVD replication record of 4,013,000 CDs, which had held since 2008.

“The music industry has always sustained two simultaneous formats,” said Disc Makers CEO Tony van Veen. “Whether it was vinyl and cassettes, or cassettes and CDs, or now CDs and downloads/streams, these numbers show the continued demand for multiple formats simultaneously. As the primary product offering at live shows, as an additional driver of online sales, and as a requirement for any serious product release PR campaign, having CDs is a vital part of every musician’s marketing mix.”

According to van Veen, the new record-breaking disc replication numbers not only indicate that independent artists may be feeling the positive effects of economic recovery, but also that the music industry has settled into a more comfortable balance between the demand for physical media and growing digital music technologies. “A few years ago, during the height of the economic crisis, many music business pundits were hyping digital-only releases,” he said. “But now that much of the dust has settled, independent artists know they’re leaving money on the table if they don’t make their music available in both physical and digital form.”

In addition to breaking its previous CD manufacturing record, Disc Makers also set a new all-time record for DVD production at 1,113,508 units, suggesting similar trends for businesses which create video media as part of their marketing or product offerings. “We’re really thrilled by these CD & DVD replication numbers,” van Veen concluded, “and expect to see strong demand continue for the foreseeable future.

Article courtesy of D2D

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